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A young woman wrapped in melody and clothed in loneliness. Valerie was born to a Parisian musician for a father and grew up alone with him on his family's estate, her mother deceased and the rest of her family estranged. She has been rather isolated all of her life, and the lack of therapy that she received for her Asperger's syndrome has greatly diminished her ability to communicate and socialize with "normal" people. Because she did not receive help when she was still a child, she is prone to breakdowns and episodes of claustrophobia and personal chaos.

Valerie's fixation is upon the music she has known all of her life. As an experienced soloist in piano, flute, and violin, she believes that the entire world is composed of music and that every person has a song. She is selectively mute, partially from her inability to correctly express herself, and also from a personal belief that words interfere with a person's song, and they are used frivolously in a day to day basis. She wishes desperately to be able to communicated, but stays silent because the alternative is not easily grasped, and she cannot understand others well.

Valerie Alicia Beaumont


Val | 26 | French

born April 23rd


5'4" | 121.5 lbs

pale green eyes

chestnut brunette

healthy but scarred skin

underweight, slightly curvy and petite build


positive traits

gentle, serene, sweet, affectionate, thoughtful, quiet, loyal, kind


negative traits

reserved, jumpy, anxious, easily depressed, prone to breakdowns, moody, misunderstood


fc: jennifer lawrence

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