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Malila Littlefoot

Mal, Lila | female

28 | Miwok NA

born Sept. 25


5'5" | 119.3

deep brown eyes

dark brunette hair

light brown skin

minimal curves,

lean stature, petite


positive traits

kind, gentle, affectionate to people and animals, optimistic


negative traits

sarcastic, holds grudges, easily frustrated, moody and emotional


fc: irene bedard

Malila is a petite little thing, small and swift, yet possessing a very strong personality. She's a very passionate person, especially when it comes to things such as equal rights and environmental issues. She believes that everything has a spirit, and it should all be treated with respect. Every tree must be used to fullest extent if you are to chop it down; every animal must be slaughtered humanely and only for food. Being wasteful or vicious toward living things is something that drives Mal insane.

Despite her sweet and girly exterior, Malila can quite easily snap and become a tempermental young lady with a nasty attitude. She has little patience for fools and does not enjoy being treated as a simpleton or second class. She is very protective of everything and stands up regularly for her opinions; no one is allowed to push her around for believing in something. As a result, the young woman is very emotional and can worked up if someone is hurt or she sees someone upset. Often, her opinions become too strong, and she refuses to any perspective besides her own. Her impatient moods get the best of her, despite her good intentions.

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