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Nate/Nathan | 25

Scotsman | born April 17


6'0" | 159.8 lbs

many freckles

bright green eyes

short, spiky ginger hair

pale, sun-kissed skin

lean, skinny, little muscle


fc: eddie redmayne

best as demon/psychic


positive traits

sweet, goofy, affectionate, modest, thoughtful, intellectual


negative traits

seemingly bipolar, moody, stubborn, arrogant, aggressive, self-loathing, cynical

The mind is such a beautiful thing. So complex, so fragile, but also so innovative... and so easy to manipulate. Nathaniel loves to just that, twisting their fears against them and making them lash out blindly. He loves to purely get reactions out of people, but not to hurt them physically. He's not a violent person, but he has a twisted sense of humor and he gets a feeling of power from provoking people. Nathaniel, a lad so malleable that it is sometimes thought that he is bipolar. One moment, he's dominant, controlling, needing to be in control, and always manipulative. He uses you, plays with you, treats you like prey in a game of cat-and-mouse. The next moment, he's vulnerable, submissive, easy to please. He yearns, oddly, to have someone he can trust, as he's usually a loner and his conflicting personality often scares people off. Nathaniel isn't always easy to comprehend, which is why he finds many time he can switch between happy and depressed.

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