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Gabriel Jacob Dalin

Gabe | 24 | male

Swedish | born June 18th

The true angels of this world are those who have been through hell. Enter Gabriel; broken, bruised, and viciously abused throughout his life. Uncaring and sadistic parents tormented his childhood, highlighting his failures and ignoring his achievements. His age group was always his enemy through school,  taking advantage of his lack of physical strength and inability to obtain any.

5'7" | 140.5 lbs | scarred torso.
bright blue eyes. dirty blonde hair.
decent complexion. very weak and fragile, having a feminine

stature and attitude.

Around seventeen, Gabe was quite sure that death was a better state than life. He abused himself and let others abuse him, coming close many times to simply ending it. As ridiculous as it sounds, a beagle was the reason for hanging on. He found the puppy, abused and abandoned, and smuggled it into his room. He nursed her back to health, and when he turned eighteen and graduated, he took to the streets with her, deciding that if she could be happy with the smallest of things, so could he. He is paranoid and frightened from past experience with people, often like a skittish puppy himself, but that doesn't stop him from approaching life optimistically and cheerfully. Emotional and easily hurt, Gabe struggles with himself and his insecurities, but always saves affection and good cheer for his dog.


fc: alex pettyfer

good for angelic species

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